Samantha Thaxton

Coach, Pn1, CF-L1, AL-I Pregnancy and Postpartum

Samantha Thaxton

Coach, Pn1, CF-L1, AL-I Pregnancy and Postpartum


Coach Samantha Thaxton has been doing CrossFit for 8 years now. She started doing CrossFit style workouts at home, then almost 4 years later stepped into her first CrossFit box. Coach Sam love for helping people led to her decision to become a coach. At the time, Sam was a full time student and working full time as well. She used her tax return to drive 4 hours each way to take her Level 1 exam. That was her first time stepping into a CrossFit gym, and she felt like the least fit there but also felt so welcomed, listened to, and understood. Sam loves teaching people how to move better, stay injury free, and feel strong and capable. She loves working with all kinds of people, but her favorite are individuals who don’t know where to start but want to begin taking steps towards being healthy, feeling capable and strong, or are confused and overwhelmed about food.